A note of thanks...
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal has promised to sign HB 87 into law. It is impossible to explain how grateful I am to all of you for your help, support, encouraging words and your phone calls, faxes and emails to get our bill to Governor Deal's desk and make history on state enforcement. We got the bill through with the E-Verify component intact despite millions of dollars spent lobbying against us. Not to mention the AJC. WE THE PEOPLE WIN!
Working with Rep. Matt Ramsey for the last nine months on the language and contents of the landmark bill and in the Capitol committee process has been a great pleasure and unforgettable honor. I am very proud to call Matt "friend" and "brother." If you look up "Great American" you will likely see a photo of Matt Ramsey!
I am also very grateful to Matt for the long-standing invitation to be present at the bill signing. I look forward to that day with great pride.
On HB 87, we both feel like proud and dedicated parents. The list of people to thank for their invaluable assistance - both inside the Capitol and out - is very long. It must be remembered that HB 87 was built on the foundation laid by Georgia state Senator Chip Rogers and the 2006 Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act - SB 529.
See the Arizona Governor sign that state's most recent immigration bill (SB 1070) HERE . It was quite a proudly presented event!
ACTION NEEDED: I hope that you will take just a minute to send a short e-mail or make a phone call to Georgia state Representative Matt Ramsey's Capitol office to simply say "THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE ON HB 87!"
D.A. KingThe Dustin Inman Society